Category: Editorial

A Guide To Treat Head Injury

Head injury is any harm to the brain, skull, scalp in the form of swelling, broken blood vessels, or nerve damage. These injuries range from minor injuries such as bumps to severe injuries like traumatic brain injury (TB1), depending on the extent of the damage caused by an object.

A head injury can either be closed or open (penetrating). In closed head injury, there is no impairment to the skull, while in open head injury; the damage penetrates into the skull, thus entering the brain.

Did you know?

In case of serious brain traumatic injuries, doctors perform surgeries to repair the skull. After surgery, mostly people need to spend some time in rehabilitation to get back to their normal life.

Let’s dig into the details.

Causes of head injury:

There can be numerous causes of head injury. The most common injuries occur due to accidents in automobiles, on bikes, or while crossing roads. Likewise, you may experience a head injury when you fall or when you are playing sports. Generally, these injuries are caused due to blows to the head. On the other hand, some head injuries occur due to violence or child abuse––head shaken. In all cases, early treatment is crucial, therefore keeping small travel kits in the car for administering first aid in an emergency when you are out and about could be a wise move.

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Common Car Accident Injuries and Faster Ways To Recover From Them 

Falls and car accidents are common causes of injuries. Dealing with the aftermath of these events can be overwhelming. A person suffers from physical illness, but emotional trauma such as flashbacks of an auto wreck can be worst of all-cause ongoing pain and distracting attention to perform daily activities. To come out of this, you should seek professional medical care.

Types of Car Accident Wounds and Injuries


When your skin rubs against a rough surface, for example, road rash, an abrasion occurs. The victim not usually bleeds, but the wound needs to be cleaned on time to avoid infection.

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Top 5 Technologies Used In Dentistry

person in gray long sleeve shirt holding black tablet computer

In decades past, when people had tooth decay or suffered from a toothache, dentists would simply pull teeth out. Anesthesia wasn’t as strong, so the process of pulling teeth was painful. Fortunately, the dental industry has changed over the years, providing less painful processes when it pertains to oral health and surgeries.

Furthermore, advanced dental technology has made it easier to take impressions, create dentures and extract teeth. Today, we’re looking at the top five technologies used in dentistry. We’ll discuss what digitized dentures are and the process behind robotic surgeries. Keep reading to learn more.

1. Robotic Surgery

Artificial intelligence (AI) is paving the way for the dental industry. Dental robots are now able to perform tasks such as filling cavities, and cleaning or extracting teeth. This is a major perk for dental practices with high foot traffic, as robots can work much faster than humans. This should also be a welcome change to patients who won’t have to wait as long for appointments.

What’s more, AI works with the utmost precision, so there will be limited mistakes when doing dental work. Fortunately, dental insurance will still cover the charges whether you get your dental work done by a human or robotic practitioner.

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Is Your Business As Safe As It Could Be?

As a business owner, you’ve worked hard to build your company up from the ground, and you’d do anything to keep it safe. There are many ways risks could occur within a business. Some of these have the potential to ruin a business, while others may pose a threat to human health. As a business owner, it’s your job to make sure that your business, the building, employees, and yourself are kept as safe as possible. Here are some tips on how to keep your business safe in today’s world.

Practice and preach health and safety rules

Following health and safety rules and regulations in the workplace is imperative for any business. Failure to do so could push your employees to reach out to a workers compensation law firm, which could eventually lead to hefty fines and, even worse, injury or death. Depending on your business, there may be extra rules and regulations to follow. For example, if your staff are expected to operate machinery, there will be rules surrounding that too. Read up on these rules, practise them, and preach them to every staff member to protect yourself, their health and safety, and your business from scrutiny.

Protect your business premises from theft

Theft can happen at any time and by anyone and sometimes, it’s not necessarily a targeted occurrence! If your security is poor, passers by could quite easily break in and damage – not to mention steal – everything you’ve worked hard for. Equip your business premises with security cameras, secure lock systems, and an alarm that will alert you and the police should someone try and break in.

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New Technologies Improving Cervical Health

Technology is significantly changing the world around us. It is optimizing our lives and causing sociopolitical issues simultaneously. One of the most prevalent and pivotal ways technology can improve our lives is by using it to make our bodies and minds healthier. Perhaps the most important way new technologies can help is by curing and screening for diseases. Cervical health is being facilitated with technologies that are offering insight, preventative measures, and treatments for deadly diseases like cancer and HPV.

Cervical Cancer Screenings

One of the many ways that technology is improving health is through cancer screenings. This is especially relevant for cervical cancer. Medical professionals are finding new methods to provide accurate, efficient, and cost-effective identification for the women who at risk for cervical cancer. 

Cancer in the cervix is the seventh most common cancer among women. Currently, cancer screening in the cervix uses HPV DNA testing that is combined with cytology. But this method requires visits that are both costly to the patient and the society at large. 

New screening methods include diagnostics, which detects either the presence of HPV or the integration of the virus into the host cell, proliferation of the cancer, and detection of epigenetic changes in the person or the virus. According to a study from the US National Library of Medicine, these new screening techniques are showing great promise for detecting cervical cancer. 

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TDEE Calculator: Simple Control of Caloric Outtake

Free stock photo with aerobics, brand, dumbbells

Your body requires energy to perform every single activity during the day. You extract vital calories from your energy stores continuously and not only when you’re physically active, like when you’re trying to carry your luggage up, and the elevator is broken. That is, you burn some number of calories even when you sit in a chair reading a book, or sleep, enjoying sweet dreams. That is why you need an accurate and precise TDEE calculator.

Anyone striving to keep control over their weight can’t suffice without tracking their calories. The calculator is the only thing that controls how many calories you consume and spend, so you can spot the time when you’re eating too much and spending too little, and reverse the proportion. Plus, when you’re sweating intensely during a workout, the calculator lets you know whether the amount of calories you’re burning off is enough to keep your body in the desired shape.

If you’re satisfied with your weight and simply want to maintain it, you need the calculator too. It is the only way to track the energy consumed and the energy expended. Although it is essential to keep track of calories, it is even more crucial to get calories from products with a balanced amount of nutrients and macronutrients according to the acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges (AMDRs). You can surely lose weight eating just hamburgers, but the cost would be your health.

What is TDEE?

TDEE means Total Daily Energy Expenditure. It is an evaluation of the total calories that an individual spends every day while engaging in their ordinary activities as well as physical training. The human body requires energy supply to carry out all its activities, irrespective of how insignificant it may appear to the human sense. The body burns calories even at rest, not to mention during a vigorous training. Actually, there is no single minute when your body is not working and spending energy. Summing up all the calories you burn, you get the Total Daily Energy Expenditure number (TDEE).

Logically, the TDEE varies and largely depends on how active you are throughout the day. Hours spent curled up on the sofa flicking through the channels burns nothing compared to the amount of calories you’d burn tracking in the mountains. The amount and intensity of activities carried out by a person is most likely to determine their weight and fitness. Whether you get the «overweight», «obese», «underweight», or «normal» result during a regular medical check-up greatly depends on your lifestyle. Every health specialist would recommend paying attention to your diet as well as physical activity if you wish to melt excess fat.

When discussing possible answers to the question, “What is my TDEE calculator?” there is an all-important need to understand how the body produces energy and spends it on the various activities that it performs. When food is chewed up and swallowed, it can be said that a person is fueling their body for a road trip. The food that they put in their mouths contains energy in the form of calories. It is these calories that are burnt by the body while you’re walking to the supermarket to buy more food. A vicious circle called life.

In some cases, the TDEE calorie calculator may help in explicating underlying reasons why a person is getting overweight by comparing the energy consumed to the energy expended.

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What Is It Like To Work In Healthcare Technology?

If you like the idea of working in healthcare but do not want to go through several years of school after getting bachelor’s and master’s degrees, you may want to choose a tech-related job. The industry is changing rapidly because of advancements in technology. If you want to have a tech-related career, it all starts with getting the right training.

Preparing for a Career In Healthcare

Many times, jobs in the field require at least a bachelor’s degree. But many require a master’s, and even if your dream job doesn’t, it might be a good idea to consider getting a graduate degree anyway. That’s because it can open more opportunities for you, but paying for school can be difficult, so research your options.

Look for scholarships or grants to help cover part of the cost. To cover the rest, consider taking out student loans with a private lender in order to pay for your graduate medical degree. That way, you will not have to worry about getting work while you are in school.

Health Services Manager

In this career, expect to be directing and planning health-related services. Professionals with this job are often called healthcare administrators or executives. You might specialize in a certain area in an organization. Often, these managers oversee a company’s compliance to regulations and laws that apply to healthcare. They’ll make sure a company adheres to the right standards. They will make changes as needed to patient-related services, and they have an influence on the procedures, processes, and policies of a company. To get a job in this field, you will need to have at least a bachelor’s degree, but many organizations want you to have a master’s degree. You can study administration to gain problem-solving and technical skills. Expect to take courses in laws, hospital management, and ethics.

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5 Digital Health Services That Are Here to Stay

By Devin Partida, technology writer and the editor-in-chief,

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented the medical industry with one of its most significant challenges yet. While the virus has pushed health care systems to their breaking point, some positives have arisen from this hardship. The demand for digital health services has skyrocketed, and many of these tools will continue to improve health care after the pandemic.

Healthcare organizations have had to turn to new technology in response to the extremes of COVID-19. In doing so, the medical industry has become more resilient, safe and efficient than ever. Many of these technologies are so advantageous that they’ll become standard practice in post-COVID medicine.

Many digital health services will remain long after researchers find a way to halt the pandemic, but here are five of the most significant.

1. Remote Consultation Services

Few medical technologies have been as crucial during COVID-19 as telemedicine, specifically remote consultation. Between January and early June, telehealth adoption rose by 50% as concerns over catching the virus in hospital waiting rooms grew. In April, remote consultation accounted for almost half of all Medicare primary care visits.

Now that so many health systems support remote consultation, it won’t likely go away. These services have improved public safety and made health care more accessible. In a nation where access to health care has traditionally fallen short, that’s an indispensable resource.

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