Tag: medical practice marketing

Top 5 Healthcare Marketing Ideas

Do you know the estimated revenue generated in 2023 from the healthcare industry will be around?$63.9 billion? The healthcare industry is extremely competitive, and survival is often challenging. Medical businesses spend around 10% to 15% of their revenue on medical practice marketing. This guide covers some of the best healthcare marketing ideas.

Why do you need marketing ideas in healthcare? 

There was a time when medical practitioners and drug companies were fewer, and medical practice marketing meant word of mouth. But time has changed, and customers today are spoiled for choices that made the healthcare industry reconsider its marketing strategy. Marketers with innovative health promotion ideas can reach out to more people and retain existing clients. 

When traditional marketing ideas for healthcare sound expensive, use the digital marketing space. It helps you connect with prospective patients and promote your medical practice at reasonable rates. 

Top 5 marketing ideas for the healthcare industry 

Listed below are the most creative marketing ideas in healthcare. 

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4 Powerful Marketing Tips for Ophthalmology Practices

Medical care marketing can be challenging. Most people try to put medical appointments out of their minds until the day of — it’s not something they aim to engage with daily.

When marketing your ophthalmology practice, connecting with and engaging potential patients is the key. Here are some powerful marketing tips to help reach your target audience and connect in an impactful way:

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Consumer Marketing Is The Achilles Heel Of Healthcare Providers

By Joe Grace, partner, Chief Outsiders.

Joe Grace

While pharma companies have grown to become effective direct-to-consumer (DTC) marketers, hospital systems and other large providers continue to struggle with effective DTC marketing essential for growth. In fact, it’s their Achilles heel. Why?

First, providers have never needed to compete historically. With light competition and reasonable levels of reimbursement for decades, everything was fine until the cost of health care began to spiral out of control. In response, payors began to push back by negotiating lower levels of reimbursement in-network. In addition, payers, including CMS, have denied claims creating losses and cash flow issues for many providers.

There is also a rapid rise of chronic conditions ranging from arthritis to diabetes to dementia. These chronic conditions are expensive to treat for health care providers. They are an even greater challenge to treat profitably in an environment of declining reimbursements.

At the same time, advances in medical treatment and care have extended life spans and placed additional burdens on our health care system, including the extraordinary cost of heroic and end-of-life care.

To help offset rising costs and declining reimbursements, large scale providers need more new patients to cover fixed costs.  As a result, most of these providers have added DTC marketing to the mix. This usually takes the form of a website, some SEM and a little local advertising. Unfortunately, many any of these marketing tactics are often random acts of marketing without the marketing insights and strategy required to efficiently compete and effectively reach their target audience.

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