Tag: healthcare practice marketing

Top 5 Healthcare Marketing Ideas

Do you know the estimated revenue generated in 2023 from the healthcare industry will be around?$63.9 billion? The healthcare industry is extremely competitive, and survival is often challenging. Medical businesses spend around 10% to 15% of their revenue on medical practice marketing. This guide covers some of the best healthcare marketing ideas.

Why do you need marketing ideas in healthcare? 

There was a time when medical practitioners and drug companies were fewer, and medical practice marketing meant word of mouth. But time has changed, and customers today are spoiled for choices that made the healthcare industry reconsider its marketing strategy. Marketers with innovative health promotion ideas can reach out to more people and retain existing clients. 

When traditional marketing ideas for healthcare sound expensive, use the digital marketing space. It helps you connect with prospective patients and promote your medical practice at reasonable rates. 

Top 5 marketing ideas for the healthcare industry 

Listed below are the most creative marketing ideas in healthcare. 

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4 Fool-Proof Tips To Amp Up Digital Marketing of Your Healthcare Organization

A decade back, your marketing strategy would include simply putting up an ad in the local newspaper and distributing pamphlets with your organization’s details on a busy street corner. However, as digitalization is increasing its footprint in every aspect of all industries, marketing for healthcare organizations has also witnessed a drastic change.

If you want to compete with the topmost healthcare companies, you’ll have to stay ahead in the game and acquire as many customers as possible. This can only be done if you have a strong digital marketing strategy. Here’s how you can make one:

  1. Use SEO extensively

A major source of information about your hospital is your official website. Most of the people who schedule an appointment will do so after learning about you through a web search. This makes it important to have a web page that can be displayed as one of the top results in most searches related to the facilities your hospital offers. You will require Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for this.

It’ll help you get an idea of the keywords patients often use while looking up for something. You can then include these key phrases in the content you post on your site along with some tags and your website will be displayed as one of the top results. This will help a lot of new patients learn about your services.

  1. Create Video Content to attract people

With so many things to surf at once, the attention span of the human mind is considerably decreasing. This leads them to lose focus when reading long articles. When you upload content on your site, you must keep in mind that many people won’t be interested in going through the written blog posts, no matter how informative. In order to provide them with the same information in a manner that they’ll actually pay attention to it is to create video content.

Uploading videos will help spread word about your hospital spread quite fast as in a video, you can catch the viewers’ attention by providing them with information while also getting the chance to give them a firsthand look at your hospital.

However, you’ll have to invest quite a lot of time and energy into creating a video than in creating a blog post. Though in the end, all that effort will be rewarded in the form of your organization gaining new patients.

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