Tag: Cybersecurity Insiders

5 Great Web Sources To Find Information About Cybersecurity In Hospitals

Cybersecurity is one of the most important areas today. A competent approach to cybersecurity involves several levels of protection for computers, networks, programs, and data. The organization must establish the right interaction of people, processes, and technologies to deploy effective protection against cyberattacks.

Technology is at the heart of creating computer security tools to protect organizations and individuals from cyberattacks. Objects of three main groups need to be protected: end devices, such as computers, smart devices and routers, networks, and the cloud.

Hospitals, in turn, are one of the most important infrastructures, and therefore it is extremely important to provide them with reliable protection against cyberattacks. That is why we prepared a list of top 5 web sources to find information about cybersecurity in hospitals.

  1. The Hacker News

This internet resource is intended primarily for IT professionals. Here you can find a lot of technical material regarding best practices and tools in the field of information technology and their application in the medical field.

But if you do not fall into the category of IT professionals, it will still be useful for you to read about the modern electronic world, find out the results of interesting studies in the field of computer security and listen to the recommendations provided by industry professionals. In addition, if you are a student of a technical university and study cybersecurity, it will be extremely useful for you to read the information from this site, then to include it in your written assignments or use it in the exam.

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