Jul 3
The 4R’s of Digital Pathology: The Formula for Life-saving Remote Diagnostics

Guest post by Jaye Connolly is CEO of PathCentral.
For all of its sophistication, digital pathology turns on just a few basic value propositions: images must be consistent, persistent and efficient, enabling them to be used at anytime and from anywhere. We need to get the right slide on the right patient to the right pathologist at the right time – what eminent pathologist and blogger Keith Kaplan, MD, calls “the 4R’s of digital pathology.”
When these four requirements are met, good things happen: teleconsultation and image analysis can be performed by the right pathologist on the right slide on the right patient at the right time. With this capability, pathology is moving from near real-time diagnoses to real-time diagnoses without regard to geographic boundaries.