Apr 2
Apple’s New Healthcare Records App Beta Version — Following HL7’s FHIR Standards — Launched
By Manan Ghadawala, founder, 21Twelve Interactive.

The healthcare system seems to become better every day. The growth and development of digital platforms have provided a unique dimension for this particular industry to grow tremendously and provide an excellent service to the seekers. In this context, Apple, the most reputed smart phone and electronics manufacturer in the world, has launched a brilliant personal health record (PHR) platform in beta-version. This new version of PHR is released as part of iOS version 11.3.
This Apple health news is the beginning of a new era where the patients can easily share their personal health information with the entitled service providers. This step can be initiated by hospitals and other healthcare related firms so as to provide the best and safest treatment solutions. An iOS App Development Company will not become sufficient to provide such elegant applications that will maintain the industry standards and meet with the specifications of the contemporary healthcare system.
Apple’s new venture
For the very first time, the world’s largest manufacturer of smart phones, Apple has launched the beta version of a personal health record application. Currently, it has incorporated this application in iOS version 11.3. It has developed this unique platform based on the specifications provided by Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) constructed by HL7, a non-profit standard developing organization. It is considered to be the new face of health records app. This application is being developed and advanced in collaboration with 12 hospitals such as Cedars Sinai, Penn Medicine, Geisinger Health System, and John Hopkins.
Jeff Williams, the COO of Apple, said that the prime motto of this particular application is to aid the consumers spread across the world to lead a better and safer life. The healthcare organizations have provided immense insights and professional aid to make this Apple health records epic better and more efficient. The biggest challenge is to keep these records safe in the cloud system so that any service provider related to this process can access them without any hassle. This PHR can be easily carried on the phone and can be shown to the entitled professionals for better and faster treatment response. The news and rumors of Apple to launch Health Records system have now surfaced and the consumers are hoping for a better day in the future.
Features of Apple health records app
This app will be the first of its kind that will maintain the FHIR standard of specifications fabricated by HL7. This particular smart phone application will carry personal information such as medications, allergies, present condition, ailments, immunization records, etc. In fact, the interoperability feature of this application will also allow the medical professionals to access the information and also to check electronic health records for lab results and other information. The Apple health records app is currently released as a beta version to find out the reaction of the users and its compatibility. All the information enlisted in this app will remain encrypted to keep it safe.
Apple announces Health Records platform and is currently developing a better platform for all the consumers that can be accessed by the entitled professionals as well. As per the plan, this information can be availed by the following professionals or organizations: