Role of Technology In Improving Health Sector

By Rosie Harman, content strategist, Visi One Click.

Rosie Harman

Over the last few decades, we have seen exponential growth in technology. Hardware and software permeate the world around us. The world has become a smaller place with distances presenting less of an obstacle. Businesses manage employees across the globe with remote collaboration software. We see advanced satellites going into space, mapping the unknown. We know much more about geology thanks to sophisticated equipment.

Technology is evolving very fast, and so is the health sector. However, the impact of technology has been most profound in the field of medicine. This blog discusses how.

Technology in the health sector 

Technology has played an important role in improving healthcare. We have advanced treatments and procedures that seem commonplace today. The improvement itself has been constant. You can see it from the invention of X-rays to precise surgical procedures. These advancements have made it possible for humans to live healthier lives. They have resulted in a longer average life expectancy. As we go into the 21st Century, there is no reason to suppose that technology is slowing this process down. The most recent example is medical science developing a promising AIDS treatment. Technology and science help cure diseases and improve the quality of our lives even more. Here are only four ways in which technology is improving the health sector:

  1. Gene sequencing
  2. Wearable medical devices
  3. Remote medical monitoring
  4. Digital medical records

Let’s take a closer look at how technology impacts these specific areas in the health sector.

Gene sequencing

Human genomics has earned a reputation as the future of medical science. What gene sequencing refers to is sequencing and analyzing a person’s genome. This information also goes to the person. Sequencing the human genome is one of humanity’s biggest achievements. Especially in the last four decades. The human genome is like an instruction manual for the human body. It may help people detect and avert hereditary diseases and live a better life.

Wearable medical devices

These days everybody has an Apple Watch, smartwatch or a fitness monitor. But you may be surprised to know wearable medical devices have been around for a while. These devices collect data like blood pressure, heart rate, and more. They can even track blood sugar levels. Both patient and doctor use this data to assess the wearer’s health. Some devices can even alert medical authorities in case of a serious medical issue.

Remote medical monitoring

Remote monitoring devices have useful applications in medicine. For one thing, they allow patients to track their health at home. This helps people save time and money spent on physician appointments. Millions of people use remote medical monitoring devices all over the globe. This means they aren’t exactly unknown. One such example of monitoring devices, is of patients with a pacemaker. Pacemakers collect and transmit data on the heart’s condition. This data goes to remote health monitoring centers. These centers can act if the situation gets too serious. This is important for people who suffer from chronic illnesses. Remote medical monitoring can be a literal lifesaver for them.

Digital medical records

Before digital records existed, there was no single database. There was no place for different hospitals could access a patient’s medical records. It was also difficult for different hospitals to share records with each other. But technology helped this system evolve with consolidated digital health records. This makes it much simpler to diagnose and treat a patient. Stand-alone information systems are a thing of the past. This is because of their inefficiency and rigidity. Instead, digital or electronic health records are taking over. Hospitals connect different information systems with each other. This helps to make medical records more accessible. It also makes the transfer of these records much faster and efficient. This allows for efficient and accurate treatment. Regardless of which hospital a patient is in.


Technological advances in medicine and health have transformed the entire sector. Today we have treatments for diseases that would seem like miracles only decades ago. Only a few short decades ago, getting treatment without a hospital visit was unheard of. You can meet your doctor, using software similar to TeamViewer online. As technology progresses, we can expect to see even more significant changes. Especially in healthcare and medicine. Scientific and technological development is key. They are essential for humanity to overcome illness and diseases. We can only hope that future generations invest more resources in the health sector.

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