Tag: starting a medical practice

Tips For Starting Your Own Medical Practice 

Eric Vainer | Eric Vainer Blog

Starting a medical practice is a major career move, one that you need to think about very carefully before undertaking. If you’re right out of medical school, you might want to get some experience in a hospital or someone else’s practice before you take on your own. You already keep up with the latest trends in the medical community so it’s just a matter of time before you can branch out on your own. However, if you’ve been a doctor for a while now and want to start your own practice, there are a few tips out there to make it easier for you. 

Offer Medical Financing to Bring in Patients

There is nothing wrong with getting the word out there about your practice before you open your doors. Making sure to market online, offline, and through word of mouth is key. However, today many people have a hard time affording the doctor and the medical help they might need. Sometimes insurance doesn’t cover those visits or maybe your potential patient doesn’t have insurance at all. That’s where offering medical financing comes in. It not only helps you gain patients even before you open your doors, but it also helps them stay healthy and shows you care as well. 

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