Tag: Elmiron lawsuit

What Do I Need To Do To Qualify For The Elmiron Lawsuit?

See the source imageElmiron is the brand name of the drug pentosan polysulfate sodium. This medication is used to treat pain and discomfort associated with a bladder disorder called interstitial cystitis. Prolonged use of Elmiron has recently been linked to pigmentary maculopathy, which is damage to the retina.

Consequently, Elmiron’s manufacturer, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, is being sued for failing to warn patients of the risk of severe and irreversible vision problems caused by this drug. If you’ve suffered vision problems after taking Elmiron, you may be eligible to join a class-action lawsuit.

What is Elmiron?

Elmiron was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1996 for the treatment of pain in patients suffering from interstitial cystitis. Elmiron must be prescribed by a doctor, and there is no generic version available in the U.S. It is not understood exactly how the medication works, but it is believed to provide a protective coating to the lining of the bladder. It is not actually a pain medication and must therefore be taken continuously to achieve the desired effects.

What damage does Elmiron cause?

Elmiron is known to have a number of mild side effects. Most notably, it is a weak anticoagulant and therefore may increase bleeding in patients. For this reason, Elmiron is often discontinued prior to surgery to avoid excessive bleeding, and it may be dangerous to take simultaneously with other blood thinners, aspirin, or anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen. Other possible side effects include nausea, diarrhea, bloody stool, upset stomach, headaches, rashes, hair loss, dizziness, and bruising.

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