Tag: Tips for Cleaning and Housekeeping In Hospitals

9 Essential Tips for Cleaning and Housekeeping In Hospitals

Research found one in 10 hospital patients suffer from a healthcare-associated infection. Housekeeping in hospitals is critical to reducing the spread of disease so patients don’t succumb to new infections.

If you need tips on adequate housekeeping in hospitals, you’ve come to the right place. Here are our nine best tips.

  1. Cleaning and Disinfecting

Hospital cleaning procedures and methods must include cleaning and disinfecting the entire room. When you clean a surface, dirt particles are removed but bacteria may still be present.

Microfiber cloths are fantastic for picking up dirt and germs on a surface. Staff must damp them with clean water or a commercial detergent so it’s effective.

Then, staff must use a disinfectant spray to kill bacteria lingering on the counters and walls. It’s easy to be complacent and only clean large surface areas, but it’s the housecleaning staff’s responsibility to disinfect the hard-to-reach places as lives are at stake.

Housekeepers must follow cleaning label instructions so the hospital room is thoroughly disinfected. If the staff skips any steps or doesn’t wait long enough for the cleaning agent to work, harmful bacteria will still be present.

Staff must also change microfiber cloths frequently to prevent the spread of bacteria throughout the hospital. When cleaning a patient’s room, if a blanket or pillow falls onto the floor, replace them immediately.

Plus, hospital staff should advise patients not to bring too many items into the room like flowers. Remind them that excess clutter could bring in bacteria which could risk the patient’s health.

  1. Choose the Right Disinfectant 

When choosing hospital disinfectant products, consider how effective the cleaning agent is, its safety profile, and whether it will damage surfaces.

Housekeeping staff must determine whether the product’s dwell time will realistically be achieved within the cleaning process. Staff must also have a system with single-use cloths or wipes to reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

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