Tag: ePCR Software Customization in Crisis Situations

ePCR Software Customization In Crisis Situations

By Daniel Frey, vice president of business development and co-founder, FieldMed.

Daniel Frey

Such as we experienced this past year with the COVID-19 pandemic, a crisis can strike at any moment. Frontline workers such as paramedics know this better than anyone. As those on the frontlines of emergency responses, paramedics also know the importance of having the right tools immediately available Customized ePCR (electronic patient care reporting) software helps first responders quickly adapt to any crisis situation with limited interruptions in the field.

3 Benefits of ePCR Software Customization

In an emergency situation, these customized forms and templates are precious commodities. With a customizable ePCR software, responding to real-world crisis scenarios becomes less stressful and more streamlined.

Adaptable fire department record management software provides first responders with three major benefits, including:

  1. Optimized templates and forms
  2. Improved Metric Analysis
  3. Interagency Consistency
  4. Optimized Templates and Forms

Customized ePCR forms and templates make a paramedic’s job easier.  By tailoring EMS charting software to a specific situation, first responders waste less time on data collection and documentation. This allows for first responders to focus their time and resources on what matters most: treating patients. Customized ePCR templates and forms can be crafted — even on the fly — to seamlessly follow along with a paramedic’s workflow.  There’s no more scrolling past long blocks of text or data entry points that aren’t germane to the situation. First responders are able to focus on delivering and documenting treatments, resulting in the overall improvement of patient care.

In non-emergency situations, ePCRs can be adjusted to meet a department’s specific needs, whether it’s responding to a common situation, such as a car crash, or treating a specific population, such as veterans or specific issues, such as mental health matters. 

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