New Technology That Will Change the Future of Dermatology

Your skin says it all, as every wrinkle, sunspot, and color has a meaning behind it. In fact, this miraculous organ can display signs of illness and disease without any prior symptoms. For example, individuals with pale skin are found to have fewer red blood cells, while patients with hepatitis have yellowish skin.

According to the Cancer Research UK, 15,419 new skin cancer cases were diagnosed in 2014. The study also revealed that the rise in skin cancer rates increased 128 percent since the early 1990s.

Thanks to digital technology, dermatologists will be able to treat and diagnose skin disease more effectively now than ever before. Smart algorithms will be able to diagnose skin cancer within minutes, 3D printers will produce synthetic skin to fight organ shortages, dermatologists will consult patients online, and more.  Check out some of the new technologies that will change the future of dermatology.

Teledermatology For Immediate Response

No one enjoys spending hours in the clinic waiting for results. Thanks to the latest model of consultation – teledermatology – patients can use their smartphones, share files, and improve the way dermatologists diagnose skin conditions. According to the Telemedicine and eHealth Journal, studies show teledermatology can shorten waiting times and reduce the cost of medical bills. With this advanced technique, patients can upload photos of their skin problem, where dermatologists can offer assistance.

Fight Cancer with Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology has proven to be useful in cosmetic dermatology as nanoparticles are increasingly found in anti-aging products and UV-light absorbing sunscreens. When illuminated with a specific wavelength of light, the nanoshells will heat up and burn cancer cells effectively. When developed carefully, nanomaterials will have the ability to apply antioxidants, retinoids, and drugs such as growth rejuvenation and botulinum toxin topically in the future.

3D Printing for Organ Shortages

In a recent article published in Advanced Materials, a team revealed how a low-cost 3D printer was altered to allow it to adjust small movements of the body during the process of printing. This tech worked by placing temporary markers on the skin, scanning it, then using the built-in vision to adjust the body movements. What makes 3D printing special to dermatologists is how it uses a special form of ink made of silver flakes that can set at room temperature and safe for topical use, whereas a standard 3D printer requires high temperatures at 100C, which could burn the skin immediately.

While the advancements in technology still have a long way to go, dermatologists recognize the potential of these cutting-edge technologies. From diagnoses to treatment, teledermatology promises the changing of how we care for our skin, receive treatment, and even prolong our lifespan. With such innovations, we’re excited to see what the future of dermatology holds.

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