Nov 30
Latest Health IT Trends You Should Know About
Modern medicine is constantly evolving. Whether it’s wireless stethoscope or infrared scanning that can detect minuscule cancers, it’s nothing short of amazing. And as we continue to dive deeper into technology, as a healthcare provider, you might be wondering how this can benefit both you and your patients. Read on to learn about the latest health IT trends and how they can help your practice.
Virtual Care
During the height of COVID, healthcare facilities had no choice but to find ways to treat patients. And while virtual care isn’t necessarily new, it became the go-to choice to treat patients who otherwise wouldn’t be seen. And even though most medical establishments are seeing patients in office, virtual care is still being utilized.
Nanotechnology is a type of technology that can be found in imaging apps, medical sensors and various medical devices. You can even find this specific technology delving into cancer treatment by utilization of gold particles to ensure smooth delivery of chemotherapy agents.
Digital Healthcare Assistants
Patient confidentiality and accurate record keeping is mandatory. And while most healthcare offices have improved how they maintain their patients’ private information, they still rely on their staff to get to do the job properly. Similar to your Alexa at home, you can also implement a digital assistant in your office. This application can be combined with your EMR, to make record keeping and dictation of medical records easier than ever before.
Upgrading your current EMR can be expensive, especially if you need a complete overhaul or are switching from paper files to electronic records. Since it’s better to complete the process all at one time, you need to secure funding to do so. In addition to paying out of pocket, you can also look into a life settlement as well. Depending on the type of policy you have and how long you’ve been paying into it, your settlement can cover the cost in full. You can look at a life settlement calculator online to see what your life insurance policy is worth.
Developed more than 100 years ago, pacemakers are still one of the most utilized pieces of medical technology. Millions of patients have pacemakers implanted and rely on them to keep their heart beating in a normal rhythm. Previously, a pacemaker was implanted and the only way to recalibrate them was surgical intervention. Now, the pacemakers of today can be calibrated remotely. Medtronic, one of the largest medical suppliers in the world, has developed a Bluetooth compatible pacemaker, which makes catching and treating possible life-threatening arrhythmias possible.
Glucose Trackers
Improper glucose tracking can cost a diabetic their life. And since most diabetics need to perform finger sticks several times a day, creating a wearable glucose monitor, which eliminates the need for pin pricks is revolutionary. These wearable glucose monitors keep track of blood sugar levels in real time, so it’s possible to identify an impending hyper or hypoglycemic attack before it occurs.
Robotic Surgery
Robotic surgery has changed the way surgeries are performed. It allows surgeons to perform delicate procedures with expedited healing times, less risk of infection and with the help of the Da Vinci reboot, be able to perform surgery remotely in the near future. Robotic surgery gives patients suffering from high-risk surgeries a chance that they might not have had otherwise.