Lasers and Medicine: How New Methods are Making for Better Treatment

Lasers, Eye, Iris, Laser, Correction

If you are in need of a medical procedure or treatment, you have very likely been given a rundown of risks and side effects that can come up during a procedure as well as the recovery when it is done. Many people opt out of certain nonessential surgeries out of fear or concern for the potential negative outcomes. Thankfully, the use of lasers in medical treatments is drastically changing so much about the way certain procedures affect patients both during and after they are performed.

Shorter Recovery Times

When someone is considering a medical procedure, one of the first things that is discussed involves the amount of time it will take for the patient to recover. This can vary so much depending on the type of procedure that is being carried out, but a general rule of thumb is that the more invasive a surgery is then the more recovery time will be required.

When a patient opts to undergo a laser treatment as opposed to a more traditional surgery, they can see a significant reduction in the recovery time. For instance, if a female patient is in need of labiaplasty, she might be looking at a recovery time of up to six weeks. If this amount of time isn’t feasible for her situation, the patient can see if she would be a good candidate for a laser labiaplasty. By opting for this type of procedure from a skilled physician like DavidGhozland, M.D. she can see her recovery time reduced to just a few days.

Less Pain

Many patients experience an intense fear of having surgery. This can cause them such anxiety that they can end up suffering from panic attacks. One of the underlying causes of preoperative anxiety is the fear and anticipation of the pain they will have to endure as a result of their surgery. Laser procedures, however, are generally far less painful than more traditional surgical practices.

Lasers allow physicians to be more precise when they make cuts and incisions. As a result, the area that is involved with the procedure is significantly reduced. Not only is the potential for pain decreased, but also the chances for swelling and scarring on the tissue surrounding the treatment site.

Fewer Risks

Some of the main risks associated with traditional surgical methods include infection, bleeding, or the development of injury. Because a doctor is able to focus in on the affected area and better avoid the healthy tissues that surround the treatment site, the size of the incision will be much smaller on average. This is likely to mean a reduction in the amount of suturing needed to seal up the incision.

A smaller cut means that there is a far less chance that the site will become infected or that there will be any harmful post-op bleeding. Furthermore, certain procedures, when done with a laser, can result in virtually no scarring once everything has healed.

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