7 New Technologies For Improving Vision

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Good vision keeps you safe and connects you with your surroundings. Thanks to new technology, you can enhance your vision without risking health. Vision-enhancing technology isn’t just for people with eye problems; you can also use it to improve your overall eyesight. In this article, we’ve outlined new technologies for improving vision.

1.   LASIK eye surgery

LASIK eye surgery is a laser refractive surgery meant to correct vision issues and can be an option to contact lenses or glasses. It’s done to reshape the cornea to correct blurred vision, which occurs due to light bending incorrectly and not precisely reaching the retina. LASIK surgery is ideal for people with nearsightedness or myopia, farsightedness or hyperopia, and astigmatism. The surgery isn’t an option if you’re below 18 years, nursing or pregnant, or on medication.

If you have eye problems like dry eyes and glaucoma, and other health concerns including lupus, diabetes, or rheumatoid arthritis, you should also avoid having LASIK surgery.

2.   Intraocular lens

When you have a cataract, your lens becomes cloudy, necessitating a cataract surgery that replaces the clouded lens with an intraocular lens for improved vision. An intraocular lens is a small, artificial eye lens that replaces the natural eye lens removed during cataract surgery. The lens should be clear enough to bend the light rays that enter the eye, allowing you to see.

The intraocular lens has various focusing powers based on the patient’s eye length and cornea curve. They’re usually made of acrylic, silicone, and other plastic formations and coated to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.

3.   Wavefront eye examination

Wavefront technology or aberrometry measures how a light wavefront goes through the crystalline lens and the cornea. Some distortions known as aberrations may occur as the light travels, causing specific vision errors. The wavefront technology diagnoses these errors and determines the right correction prescription for improved vision.

4.   Implantable contact lens surgery

Implantable contact lens surgery is a quick, safe, and effective procedure that permanently corrects a patient’s vision. It involves placing the lens between your lens and iris without risking the cornea tissue, preventing dry eyes. The procedure requires no maintenance and is reversible. An implantable contact lens is a more permanent corrective solution for persons with astigmatism. Check out these Tampa eye doctors for various types of contact lenses.

5.   Selective laser trabeculoplasty

This is a type of surgery that lowers glaucoma intraocular pressure. It’s applied when eye drop medications are causing major side effects or aren’t reducing the eye pressure enough. Selective laser trabeculoplasty procedure is ideal for patients with secondary or primary open-angle glaucoma who want to reduce their intraocular pressure.

It can be used as an initial glaucoma treatment instead of relying on eye drop medications or as additional treatment should the eye drop medication not adequately reduce eye pressure. Its effectiveness wears off after a while. However, you can repeat the procedure, but the effect won’t be the same. Selective laser trabeculoplasty doesn’t cure glaucoma. It only keeps it under control.

6.   Corneal cross-linking

Corneal cross-linking treats keratoconus, an eye condition that causes the cornea to thin out and grow weaker over time, making it swell into a cone-like shape. This can distort your vision and make it difficult for you to see. If you experience severe keratoconus symptoms, a corneal transplant may be the only option.

During the corneal cross-linking procedure, doctors use UV light and eyedrop medication to strengthen your cornea tissues and keep them from bulging further. This procedure only keeps cornea changes from worsening, so consult your doctor to determine if it’s the best solution for you.

7.   Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS)

This treatment method utilizes microscopic instruments to ease minor incisional surgery. It’s a safer alternative for reducing eye pressure than typical surgery, and it comes with high success rates and quick recovery time. The procedure aims at improving fluid drainage from eye patients with mild or moderate glaucoma, lowering the increased eye pressure that can damage the optic nerve. There are three MIGS procedures categorized on how they achieve reduced intraocular pressure.

While there are several surgical options for reducing eye pressure, a comprehensive eye examination helps your doctor determine the procedure that best suits your needs. The ideal surgery alternative also depends on glaucoma type, its stage, your eye anatomy, and the existing medical conditions you might have.


Modern technology has introduced various ways to improve, control, and cure different vision problems. Be on the lookout for emerging vision-enhancing technologies that can improve your vision. Depending on what you want to achieve with enhanced vision technology, consult your ophthalmologist to determine the best technology to meet your vision needs.

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