6 Symptoms of Aging You Shouldn’t Ignore

Many changes come with aging that are not health concerns, such as gray hairs, menopause, and wrinkles. Unfortunately, some symptoms could be a sign of something more serious. While you might be quick to dismiss some issues as ordinary things that happen in old age, here are six symptoms you definitely shouldn’t ignore:

  1. Deteriorating Vision

Deteriorating vision is regular in old age, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t find the root cause. Oftentimes, you will simply be prescribed a glasses prescription. Other times, however, there may be another underlying condition. Cataracts are common in those over forty and require more treatment than a simple prescription. Fortunately, cataract surgery can restore your vision for life. By opting for this treatment, you give yourself the chance to rid yourself of cataracts and see clearly throughout your senior years.

  1. Memory Loss

Memory loss is another common symptom in old age, and sometimes the best treatment is simple brain training. Memory loss can also be an early sign of dementia, which is very serious and needs treatment as soon as possible. If your memory loss is impacting your day-to-day life, and you find yourself becoming confused, then see your doctor as soon as possible.

  1. Constipation

While constipation can happen to anyone, it is more common in old age. Usually, a change of diet can solve the issue, but if it is chronic, then you must see a professional. The chances are, the reason behind the constipation is something simple such as medication symptoms or dehydration, but there are more serious causes such as tumors. Even if you think you’re sure of the reason behind your constipation, it’s better to be safe and schedule an appointment with your doctor.

  1. Dizziness

Dizziness in old age is often a sign of vertigo, which can be treated through medications and balance therapy. It’s important not to ignore any signs of dizziness; if it gets worse, then you could end up falling and sustaining an injury.

  1. Respiratory Issues

If you experience shortness of breath along with chest tightness, then you could be having a heart attack, so you must dial 911 straight away. Even without any chest pain, sudden respiratory issues can still mean a heart attack, so don’t wait to seek treatment. If your breathing is more of an ongoing struggle, then schedule an appointment with the doctor to find out the cause and ensure it doesn’t get any worse.

  1. Signs of Depression

Many older people struggle with their mental health, and it is often brought on by loneliness and the loss of loved ones. Depression is a serious illness that needs treatment, but many ignore the signs. If you are struggling with negative emotions, sleeping more often, and shutting out the things you used to love, then you could be struggling with a mental illness.

It’s important to schedule an appointment sooner rather than later to get out of the rut. Treatment includes medications, counseling, and other forms of therapy to help you see the light once more.

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