Tag: health credentialing

Health IT Startup: Modio Health

Founded in 2014, Modio Health is a cloud-based credentialing and career management solution for healthcare providers and organizations.

Elevator pitch

Modio logoModio Health makes physician career management easier. Replacing outdated and time consuming credentialing processes, expensive middlemen and pushy recruiters with a technology platform that serves both physicians and healthcare organizations. Our goal is to streamline hospital operations, from straightforward, cost-effective credentialing to transparent physician staffing.

Product/service description

The Modio platform is home to thousands of healthcare providers, as well as many larger healthcare organizations and practices. By integrating with government agencies, public databases, and private sources, Modio has built a centralized practitioner database, called the Unified Provider Record, for healthcare providers and their affiliated organizations. Case studies show that the Modio platform decreases both provider credentialing time and the associated costs, reducing administrative burdens and eliminating lapsed licensure.

Origin story/founder story

Modio Health was born from the firsthand experiences of our team of doctors. Our founders had all been stung by the inefficiencies they encountered in their years of practicing medicine. The hassle of credentialing, the constant, nagging contact from recruiters, and high fees for licensing and job placements encouraged them to create a solution to these pain points. After heading a successful EHR implementation business in the early 2010s, they left their full-time jobs to get Modio off the ground. With the help of a Bay Area network of technology and production experts, and their own connections with healthcare providers, our founders launched Modio in July of 2015. Modio immediately gained traction with large ASCs, medical groups, and hospitals. Just nine months after its initial launch, Modio is already an integral part of many healthcare practices.

Marketing/promotion strategy

Our marketing strategy is heavily based on our extensive network of providers. Whether that’s our in-house team of physicians, or providers whom we’ve helped to get credentialed or find jobs, our network is constantly building up through referrals and simple word-of-mouth communication. We also promote the Modio name through targeted media, conferences, and mail campaigns.

Market opportunity (in your particular space—numbers, competitors, etc. are helpful)

Modio offers a scalable solution for healthcare management in a chaotic landscape. Few platforms aim for the level of comprehensivity that we do; Modio is the only service that combines credentialing services, an open job marketplace, and practice management all in one. In an industry that wastes more than $200 billion dollars every year in hospital administration costs, our efficient, inexpensive system is the first step to solving the problem.

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