7 Ways To Prevent a Yeast Infection

Vaginal yeast infection is very common, and most women contract it at some point in their lives, especially during their childbearing age. Around 75% of the female population is estimated to suffer from this infection at least once. The origin is an increase in fungi of the candida type in the vagina. These yeasts are naturally present in the body, but a bacterial imbalance can cause them to overgrow.

Although it is a situation that can become very uncomfortable, today, there is a wide variety of treatments and measures to prevent these infections from occurring. It is not a serious infection, but it can be very annoying, so it is highly recommended to take precautions to take care of your health, and here are some tips you can follow.

Keep the Genital Area Always Dry

Moisture facilitates the proliferation of fungi, so you should not stay for a long time with wet clothes in contact with the vulva. After bathing or swimming, replace your swimsuit with a dry garment and change after exercising, as sweat can also promote infection.

Synthetic fabrics do not allow sweat well and cause moisture to accumulate; therefore, if you want to keep the vulva area dry, it is best to use only cotton underwear since it is a breathable and natural fabric.

Avoid Irritating Hygiene Products

Not all perfumed soaps and gels are advisable for the vaginal flora since they can cause an imbalance in the bacteria responsible for limiting the presence of candida. In general, it is best to avoid all intimate scented products and vaginal deodorants and use only soap and water to wash the genital area. In the case of using an intimate hygiene gel, the most advisable ones are those with a neutral or acid pH since the candida fungus reproduces more easily when the pH of the vagina becomes basic.

Douching is also highly discouraged, as it affects the natural pH balance. After going to the bathroom, do not use wet wipes, and always make sure to clean yourself from front to back since one of the largest reservoirs of candida in the body is the anorectal area.

Never Take Antibiotics Without Medical Supervision

You should always follow this advice since the consumption of antibiotics should only be done under medical prescription and in a controlled manner. Otherwise, very serious long-term health effects may appear. But in addition, antibiotics change the vaginal microbial balance and decrease the concentration of lactobacilli, the bacterium that limits the amount of yeast in the vagina. That is why it is very common for yeast infection to appear if you carry out a treatment with antibiotics.

In case of having to take antibiotics, a good preventive measure is to take specific probiotics for the genital flora and antibiotic treatment. If you resort to a treatment to combat candidiasis, ensure it is a quality product like Hello Wisp.

Change Your Pads Often If You Are Menstruating

The risk of developing this infection is higher during the days of your period, so replace your pad or tampon frequently and avoid those that are scented. It is not advisable to excessively wash the vulva. A daily shower is enough since if you wash excessively; you will only achieve to unbalance the vaginal flora.

Currently, there are different methods for menstruation, but it is recommended to use pads instead of tampons and change them frequently. The continuous use of protectors is also not recommended.

Keep Sugar Levels Under Control

Candida albicans, the fungus that usually causes yeast infections, proliferates more if blood sugar levels are high. Women with diabetes are more prone to developing this infection, so keeping blood sugar levels stable is important. Even if you are not diabetic, a diet high in sugary products and drinks can also make you get this infection more frequently.

If your diet is excessively rich in carbohydrates, try to reduce them, as their excess favors the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal and urinary tracts. Also, reduce the intake of saturated fats and try to eat yogurt several times a week.

Do Not Wear Too Tight Clothing

Another situation that favors the appearance of yeast infection is the use of very tight pants, so it is better to opt for clothes that do not oppress the genital area. Very tight pants can cause irritation. On the other hand, avoid silk or nylon because these fabrics can increase sweating in the genital area and cause irritation. If you are going to wear pantyhose or stockings, choose those with a cotton crotch.

Use Condoms When You Have Sex

Although yeast infection is not sexually transmitted, it is associated with frequent sexual activity. You will avoid contracting or spreading infections if you use condoms and do not have intercourse in the acute phase. Applying this preventive measure will also help you have more satisfying relationships.

What to Do If Yeast Infection Appears?

The symptoms of this infection are easily recognizable. Normally it causes burning or itching in the vaginal area, a thicker and white discharge, and, sometimes, pain during sexual intercourse or when urinating due to irritation of the mucous membranes. The symptoms can vary from mild to severe, and it is advisable to see a doctor, especially if it is the first time it appears, if you are pregnant, or if it is a recurring infection.

Yeast infection is easily detected through gynecological examination and observation of a flow sample under a microscope. Normally the treatments consist of topical antifungal drugs in the form of a cream or vaginal suppositories, although they can also be supplemented with oral drugs. Treatment is usually effective in a few days with rapid disappearance of symptoms. However, symptoms will likely return within a few weeks if the infection does not cure properly. That is why you should always consult your doctor to prescribe the most appropriate treatment for each situation and avoid these annoying recurrences.


The genital area requires special care to avoid developing infections, so you should keep it dry, eat well, and follow your doctor’s recommendations if they prescribe antibiotics. Take care of your health and live with well-being.

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