10 Ways To Protect Your Computer From Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts your data and can lock the computer so that you cannot access your data. A message is delivered to you demanding some particular amount of money for unlocking your computer or for decrypting your data. So for protecting your data from these types of virus attacks you need to take some precautions. There are so many ways that malware is distributed by criminals. So you should be cautious about your security and data protection. 

1. Backup Your Files or Data

The best way to avoid your data loss from viruses and malware is by keeping a backup of your files and data to external hard drives or on Cloud storage. There are multiple Cloud options available for storage such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive. Another benefit of backing up your data is to reuse and retrieve your deleted and lost data. You can get your data easily from your back-up and use that.

2. Update your Antivirus

You should update your Antivirus regularly, as a result, it protects your data from unauthorized programs like ransomware and other dangerous malware. Besides, it keeps your computer safe and secure. It also analyses the performance of your computer by removing temporary and harmful files. So always keep your computer with updated antivirus. 

3. Avoid Unprotected And Unsafe Websites

Always stay away from unsafe websites due to hazardous malware and other fake links are attached to these websites. These fake links and malware can harm your data as well as your computer. Use always “HTTPS” websites that are more secure than “HTTP” websites. These websites can be a copy of the original websites that ask for your personal information and misuse that information in several ways.

4. Avoid Spam Links in Emails, Social Media Posts, and SMS.

The most common way to infect your computer and data by simply providing you with spam links from different mediums. The most common way is by emails, instant messenger, SMS, social media platforms like Facebook, GB Whatsapp, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Hence you must not open untrusted links which keep you secure. These links take you to a particular website and try to attract you to offers.

5. Avoid Untrusted Email-attachments and Downloads

Always download things from trustworthy websites and when you are a hundred per-cent sure, then open your email attachment. That downloadable file or email attachment can be malware or virus which can damage your computer and data also. Hence you should keep this in mind.

6. Use a Secure and Modern Browser with Updated Versions.

If you are using an outdated version of your browser then you are taking an unnecessary risk for your Personal Information and Data. When you update your browser the vulnerabilities presented in the earlier version are removed which makes your browser more secure and helps it get faster and safer. It is also recommended to periodically update your router’s firmware to fix any vulnerability who’s patch may have been released. To login in to your router firm, type your default IP address, typically, and enter it in your web browser. If it doesn’t work, try finding your gateway address manually. Most Tenda routers use as it’s default IP address.

7. Use Authority VPN in public WiFi

Along with that, you should always use VPN (Virtual Private Network) while using Public Wifi, as a result, this encrypts your information and builds a secure tunnel between your browser and server. There are some free VPN and some are paid in which they compromise your information. So you should use only trustful and reputed VPN.

8. Use an Ad Blocker 

Adblocker is the software that is integrated with many browsers which block and clear unwanted distractions and advertisements. It is more beneficial regarding privacy and security because malware may be distributed through advertisements and this blocks them by loading quickly. That’s why Adblocker reduces the risk of malware.

9. Remove Outdated Plugins and Extensions from Browsers

Plugins and Extensions are the software tools that add specific features and applications for your uses. Most plugins and extensions are used for video players, audio players, and other marketing applications. You should have to update and remove your unnecessary plugins and extensions respectively. Which keeps your activity safe and secure from malware and viruses.

10. Restart your computer once a day

You should Restart or Reboot your computer once a day as a result it cleans up the useless and temporary files and improves the overall performance of the computer. It helps in flushing RAM files, stops memory leaks, removes vulnerability, fixing network and security-based issues.  

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